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Version: 1.2.1 Type: application AppVersion: 1.2.1



Name Email Url
Branko Toic

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm repo add sysbee
$ helm install my-release sysbee/kubedeploy


Kubernetes: >=1.20.0-0


Key Type Default Description
additionalContainers object see subvalues additionalContainers settings
additionalContainers.containers list see subvalues Sequential list of additionalContainers.
additionalContainers.containers[0].args optional [] Define custom arguments for additionalContainer
additionalContainers.containers[0].command optional ["sh","-c","while true; do sleep 30; done;"] Define custom command for additionalContainer
additionalContainers.containers[0].healthcheck optional see subvalues Define healthcheck probes for additionalContainer
additionalContainers.containers[0].healthcheck.enabled bool false Enable custom healthcheck probes for additionalContainer
additionalContainers.containers[0].healthcheck.probes.livenessProbe object {} Define livenessProbe
additionalContainers.containers[0].healthcheck.probes.readinessProbe object {} Define readinessProbe
additionalContainers.containers[0].healthcheck.probes.startupProbe object {} Define startupProbe
additionalContainers.containers[0].ports optional [] Define additionalContainer exposed ports see: containerPort
additionalContainers.containers[0].repository required "busybox" Define additionalContainer repository
additionalContainers.containers[0].resources optional {} Define custom resources for this specific additionalContainer.
additionalContainers.containers[0].tag optional "latest" Define additionalContainer image tag
additionalContainers.enabled bool false Define if additionalContainers are enabled
additionalContainers.pullPolicy optional "IfNotPresent" additionalContainers image pull policy
additionalContainers.resources optional {} Define additionalContainers global resource requests and limits. Will be applied to all additionalContainers if more specific (per container) resource requests and limits are not defined
affinity object {} Define Pod affinity disables automatic podAntiAffinity rules if defined.
autoscaling object see subvalues Autoscaling settings
autoscaling.behavior object {} HPA configurable scaling behavior see ref
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable autoscaling. Works only with deploymentMode=Deployment
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 10 Maximum number of Pod replicas
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 Minimum number of Pod replicas
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 Scaling target CPU utilization as percentage of resources.requests.cpu
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int nil Scaling target memory utilization as percentage of resources.requests.mem
configMaps list [] Define a list of extra ConfigMap objects. See values.yaml or chart documentation for examples on syntax
configMapsHash bool false Redeploy Deployments and Statefulsets if deployed ConfigMaps content change.
cronjobspec object see subvalues Cronjobspec settings
cronjobspec.args list [] Define args for cronjob Starting from Kubedeploy version 1.2 you should start using image.args instead of cronjobspec.args. Values will be available as failsafe up to Kubedeploy 2.0 when they will be removed.
cronjobspec.backoffLimit int 3 Define job backoff limit, see reference
cronjobspec.command list [] Define command for cronjob Starting from Kubedeploy version 1.2 you should start using image.command instead of cronjobspec.command. Values will be available as failsafe up to Kubedeploy 2.0 when they will be removed.
cronjobspec.concurrencyPolicy string "" Define concurrency policy options: Allow (default), Forbid or Replace, see reference
cronjobspec.failedJobsHistoryLimit int 1 Define number of failed Job logs to keep
cronjobspec.schedule string "0 * * * *" Define cronjob schedule, for details see reference
cronjobspec.startingDeadlineSeconds optional 180 Define deadline for starting the job, see reference
cronjobspec.successfulJobsHistoryLimit int 3 Define number of successful Job logs to keep
deploymentMode string "Deployment" Available deployment modes, currently supported:
  • Deployment
  • Statefulset
  • Job
  • Cronjob
  • None
env list [] Define environment variables for all containers in Pod. For reference see: env.
envFrom list [] Define environment variables from ConfigMap or Secret objects for all containers in Pod. For reference see envFrom secret example or envFrom configmap example
extraIngress list [] list of extra Ingress objects to deploy. extraIngress requires additional name: parametar. see ingress values for required spec or values example.
extraObjects list [] Create dynamic manifest via values (templated). See values.yaml or chart documentation for examples:
extraSecrets list [] Define a list of extra Secrets objects. See values.yaml or chart documentation for examples on syntax
extraVolumeMounts list [] Define extra volume mounts for containers See values.yaml or chart documentation for examples on syntax
fullnameOverride string "" Override full resource names instead of using calculated "releasename-chartname" default naming convention
healthcheck object see subvalues Healthcheck settings
healthcheck.disableAutomatic bool false Disable automatic healthcheck probes. Automatic probes will always create a HTTP healthcheck probe if container has port named http,
healthcheck.enabled bool false Define custom healthcheck probes for container. Overrides automatic probes.
healthcheck.probes.livenessProbe object {} Define livenessProbe
healthcheck.probes.readinessProbe object {} Define readinessProbe
healthcheck.probes.startupProbe object {} Define startupProbe
image object see subvalues Container image settings
image.args list [] Define container custom arguments. Reference
image.command list [] Define container custom command. Reference
image.lifecycle object {} Define container custom lifecycle hooks. More info
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Default container pull policy
image.repository string "nginx" Define container repository
image.tag string "latest" Define container image tag
image.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Define Pod terminationGracePeriodSeconds. Should be greater then expected run time of lifecycle hooks
imagePullSecrets list [] Define ImagePullSecrets
ingress object see subvalues Ingress object settings.
ingress.annotations object {"":"letsencrypt"} Additional Ingress annotations
ingress.className string "haproxy" Ingress class name
ingress.enabled bool false Enable Ingres for release
ingress.hosts list see subvalues Ingress host list.
ingress.hosts[0].host string, required "" Define Ingress hostname
ingress.hosts[0].paths list [] Ingress host paths see values.yaml or chart documentation for examples
ingress.pathType string "ImplementationSpecific" Default Ingress pathType
ingress.svcPort string first port from service.ports Define default Service port that will be targeted by Ingress.
ingress.tls list [] Ingress TLS list. overrides any auto configured tls config created by withSSL. Allows for custom secretName and host list to be defined. For cases where you have pre-configured SSL stored as Kubernetes secret. If secret does not exist, new one will be created by cert-manager. see values.yaml or chart documentation for examples:
ingress.withSSL bool true Deploy Ingress object with SSL support. Automatically configures the Ingress tls spec with all the configured ingress.hosts in one Secret.
initContainers object see subvalues initContainers settings
initContainers.containers list see subvalues Sequential list of initContainers.
initContainers.containers[0].args optional [] Define custom arguments for initContainer
initContainers.containers[0].command optional ["sh","-c","exit 0"] Define custom command for initContainer
initContainers.containers[0].name required busybox-init Define initContainer name
initContainers.containers[0].repository required "busybox" Define initContainer repository
initContainers.containers[0].resources optional {} Define custom resources for this specific initContainer.
initContainers.containers[0].tag optional "latest" Define initContainer image tag
initContainers.enabled bool false Define if initContainers are enabled.
initContainers.pullPolicy optional "IfNotPresent" initContainers image pull policy
initContainers.resources optional {} Define initContainers global resource requests and limits. Will be applied to all initContainers if more specific (per container) resource requests and limits are not defined
jobspec object see subvalues jobspec settings
jobspec.args list [] Define args for Job Starting from Kubedeploy version 1.2 you should start using image.args instead of jobspec.args. Values will be available as failsafe up to Kubedeploy 2.0 when they will be removed.
jobspec.backoffLimit int 3 Define Job backoff limit, see reference
jobspec.command list [] Define command for Job Starting from Kubedeploy version 1.2 you should start using image.command instead of jobspec.command. Values will be available as failsafe up to Kubedeploy 2.0 when they will be removed.
jobspec.parallelism int 1 Define Job paralelisam, see reference
jobspec.restartPolicy string "OnFailure" Define restart policy for jobs if deploymentMode=Job, see reference
jobspec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished string "300" Define Automatic Cleanup for Finished Jobs
keda object see subvalues Keda settings
keda.behavior object {} HPA configurable scaling behavior see ref
keda.cooldownPeriod int 300 The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0 ref
keda.enabled bool false Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling: KEDA 2.x ref Note: mutually exclusive with HPA, enabling KEDA disables HPA
keda.maxReplicas int 10 Number of maximum replicas for KEDA autoscaling
keda.minReplicas int 1 Number of minimum replicas for KEDA autoscaling
keda.pollingInterval int 30 Interval for checking each trigger ref
keda.restoreToOriginalReplicaCount bool false After scaled object is deleted return workload to initial replica count ref
keda.scaledObject.annotations object {} Scaled object annotations, can be used to pause scaling ref
keda.triggers list [] Keda triggers ref see values for prometheus example
kubeVersionOverride string "" Allow override of auto-detected Kubernetes version
minReadySeconds int 10 Define minReadySeconds for deployments and statefulsets
monitoring object see subvalues Monitoring settings. Will define Prometheus ServiceMonitor or PodMonitor objects.
monitoring.enabled bool false Enable monitoring. If service.enabled=True chart will generate ServiceMonitor object, otherwise PodMonitor will be used.
monitoring.labels object {} Provide additional labels to the ServiceMonitor metadata
monitoring.metricRelabelings list [] Provide additional metricRelabelings to apply to samples before ingestion.
monitoring.relabelings list [] Provide additional relabelings to apply to samples before scraping
monitoring.scheme string "http" HTTP scheme to use for scraping.
monitoring.scrapeInterval string "20s" Provide interval at which metrics should be scraped
monitoring.scrapePath string "/metrics" Provide HTTP path to scrape for metrics.
monitoring.scrapePort string "metrics" Provide named service port used for scraping
monitoring.scrapeTimeout string "15s" Timeout after which the scrape is ended (must be less than scrapeInterval)
monitoring.targetLabels list [] Additional metric labels
monitoring.tlsConfig object {} TLS configuration to use when scraping the endpoint
nameOverride string "" Override release name used in calculated "releasename-chartname" default naming convention
networkPolicy object see subvalues networkPolicy settings
networkPolicy.egress list [] Define spec.egress for NetowkPolicy rules
networkPolicy.enabled bool false Enables Pod based NetworkPolicy
networkPolicy.ingress list [] Define spec.ingress for NetowkPolicy rules
networkPolicy.ingressNamespace string "ingress" Define Namespace where Ingress controller is deployed. Used to generate automatic policy to enable ingress access when .Values.ingress is enabled
networkPolicy.monitoringNamespace string "monitoring" Define namespace where monitoring stack is deployed Used to generate automatic policy to enable monitoring access when .Values.monitoring is enabled
nodeSelector object {} Define custom node selectors for Pod
persistency object see subvalues persistency settings
persistency.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] Define storage access modes. Must be supported by available storageClass string "5Gi" Define storage capacity
persistency.enabled bool false Enable support for persistent volumes. Supported only if deploymentMode=Statefulset.
persistency.mountPath string "/data" Define where persistent volume will be mounted in containers.
persistency.storageClassName string uses cluster default storageClassName Define custom name for persistent storage class name
podAnnotations object {} Define Pod annotations
podAntiAffinity string "" Pod anti-affinity can prevent the scheduler from placing application replicas on the same node. The default value "soft" means that the scheduler should prefer to not schedule two replica pods onto the same node but no guarantee is provided. The value "hard" means that the scheduler is required to not schedule two replica pods onto the same node. The value "" will disable pod anti-affinity so that no anti-affinity rules will be configured.
podAntiAffinityTopologyKey string "" If anti-affinity is enabled sets the topologyKey to use for anti-affinity. This can be changed to, for example,
podDisruptionBudget object see subvalues podDisruptionBudget settings
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Enable Pod disruption budget see: podDisruptionBudget
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable int nil Maximum unavailable replicas
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Minimum available replicas
podExtraLabels object {} Define Pod extra labels
podSecurityContext object {} Define Pod securityContext
ports list [] Define container exposed ports see: containerPort
replicaCount int 1 Number of Pod replicas to be deployed. Applicable to Deployment and Statefulset deploymentMode
resources object {} Container resource requests and limits. Resource requests and limits are left as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. See resources for syntax
securityContext object {} Define container securityContext
service object see subvalues Service object settings
service.enabled bool true Enable Service provisioning for release.
service.headless bool false Create a headless service. See reference
service.ports list [] Define listening ports for Service. If unspecified, chart will automatically generate ports list based on main container exposed ports. see values.yaml or chart documentation for syntax examples
service.type string "ClusterIP" Set Service type. See Service for available options.
serviceAccount object see subvalues serviceAccount settings
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list [] Define Pod tolerations
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Define custom topologySpreadConstraings for Pod

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.12.0