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Feature state: 0.9.0

keda value in Kubedeploy allows controlling the parameters for Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling: KEDA 2.x


To use keda, your cluster must have KEDA operator installed first. If CRD is not detected, chart will skip rendering keda maifests.


keda and autoscaler can't be used at the same time

Available values for keda in Kubedeploy:

  enabled: false # (1)
  minReplicas: 1 # (2)
  maxReplicas: 10 # (3)
  pollingInterval: 30 # (4)
  cooldownPeriod: 300 # (5)
  restoreToOriginalReplicaCount: false # (6)
    annotations: {} # (7)
  behavior: {} # (8)
  triggers: [] # (9)
  1. enables keda, Note: mutually exclusive with HPA, enabling KEDA disables HPA
  2. Number of minimum replicas for KEDA autoscaling
  3. Number of maximum replicas for KEDA autoscaling
  4. Interval for checking each trigger ref
  5. The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0 ref
  6. After scaled object is deleted return workload to initial replica count ref
  7. Scaled object annotations, can be used to pause scaling ref
  8. HPA configurable scaling behavior see ref
  9. Keda triggers ref

Keda allows for more precise triggers on when the application will be scaled out. It does require external metrics system and access to it. In the example below we will configure haproxy application and keda scaling triggers based on application provided metrics collected by Prometheus.

Define keda scaling triggers

nameOverride: my-lb
  repository: haproxy
  tag: latest

  - contaierPort: 80
    name: http
  - containerPort: 443
    name: https
  - containerPort: 1024
    name: metrics

  enabled: true

  enabled: true
  minReplicas: 2
  maxReplicas: 10
    - type: prometheus
        serverAddress: http://<prometheus-host>:9090
        metricName: haproxy_process_idle_time_percent
        threshold: '50'
        query: avg(100-avg_over_time(haproxy_process_idle_time_percent{container="kubernetes-ingress-controller",service="mytest-kubernetes-ingress"}[2m]))
Deploy command
helm install webapp sysbee/kubedeploy -f values.yaml

See also: