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Feature state: 1.1.0

extraVolumeMounts value in Kubedeploy allow for defining additional mounted volumes for all containers in a Pod.


By default extraVolumeMounts in Kubedeploy will not mount any additional volumes.

Allowed volume mounts include:

  • existingClaim - this can be used to mount any chart external persistent volume claims in any type of deploymentMode. By chart's design only statefulset will have this ability
  • hostPath - can be used to mount any filesystem directories directly from Kubernetes node in Pod


    HostPath volumes present many security risks, and it is a best practice to avoid the use of HostPaths when possible. When a HostPath volume must be used, it should be scoped to only the required file or directory, and mounted as ReadOnly.

  • csi - allows mounting any volumes exposed with csi drivers, for example secrets-store-csi-driver.

  • emptyDir - temporary empty directories for Pod's container to share (see emptyDir for more info).
  • secretName - allows mounting any Secret objects. If you define secrets in chart you can also use extraSecrets mount ability.
  • configMapName - allows mounting any configMap objects. If you define configmaps in chart you can also use configMaps mount ability.

secret and configmap extra mounts

extraSecret and configMaps values section will mount entire objects as directories in containers. This might not be deisred when you wish to do items remapping or mount just a single file via subPath. extraVolumeMounts allows for such scenarios.

secretName and configMapName parameter in extraVolumeMounts will pass names as is by default. This allows for chart external objects to be referenced. If you are referencing the Secrets or ConfigMaps deployed with this chart consider using chartName: true option. chartName option will prefix provided name with Chart's fullname template, otherwise it is up to the user to define full name of the Secret and ConfigMap object as seen in the K8s cluster.

Define extraVolumeMounts

nameOverride: my-app
  repository: nginx
  tag: latest

  - name: extra-volume-0
    mountPath: /mnt/volume0
    readOnly: true
    existingClaim: volume-claim

  - name: extra-volume-1
    mountPath: /mnt/volume1
    readOnly: true
    hostPath: /usr/shared/

  - name: external-secrets
    mountPath: /mnt/volume2
    csi: true
      readOnly: true
        secretProviderClass: "secret-provider-name"

  - name: empty-dir-vol
    mountPath: /mnt/volume3

  - name: secret-mount
    mountPath: /mnt/volume4
    secretName: my-secret
    optional: true  # If set to true, kubernetes will ignore this mount if secret is not available
Deploy command
helm install webapp sysbee/kubedeploy -f values.yaml

As a result of the above example, Kubdeploy will mount five additional volumes to all containers in Pod.

  1. existing volume claim with name volume-claim will be mounted at /mnt/volume0
  2. /usr/shared/ from Kubernetes node will be mounted at /mnt/volume1
  3. csi secret would be mounted at /mnt/volume2
  4. emptyDir will be mounted at /mnt/volume3
  5. secret with name my-secret will be mounted at /mnt/volume4

Define extraVolumeMounts with subPath and chart defined Secret / Configmap

Feature state: 1.2.2

While this example is not something that is recommended for production, it will serve its purpose for showcasing several features in play at once.

We will deploy single configmap with two keys holding configuration data for nginx. nginx.conf for main config, and second my-vhost.conf for vhost config.

Then we use extraVolumeMounts to mount nginx.conf as subpath on: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf which will mount only the first key preserving all other directory data in /etc/nginx.

Since we include entire /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf files we can't simply mount entire configmap to that folder. First ConfigMap key would be picked up again and brake the server configuration. By using items we can remap the first config key nginx.conf to disabled-conf and then mount the entire configmap at /etc/nginx/conf.d path.


In normal scenario you would create two separate configmaps for vhost data and one for main config. Then you can skip the whole remapping part with items and end up with cleaner config. As mentioned, this example is merely here for demonstration purposes.

When using subPath, file updates will not be automatically reflected in the pods. They need to be restarted to pick up changes. To accomplish that we define configMapHash: true so that the chart will generate new replicaset for deployment whenever configMaps is updated.

nameOverride: my-app
  repository: nginx
  tag: latest

    - name: my-nginx-config
        nginx.conf: |
          ... config here ...
          include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf
        my-vhost.conf: |
          ... vhost config here ...

configMapsHash: true

  - name: nginx-conf
    configMapName: my-nginx-config
    chartName: true
    mountPath: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    subPath: nginx.conf

  - name: nginx-conf-d
    configMapName: my-nginx-config
    chartName: true
    mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d
      - key: nginx.conf
        path: disabled-conf
      - key: my-vhost.conf
        path: 00_default.conf
    optional: true  # If set to true, kubernetes will ignore this mount if secret is not available
Deploy command
helm install webapp sysbee/kubedeploy -f values.yaml

In the end we will end up with following structure in our pod:

`-- nginx
    |-- conf.d
    |   |-- 00_default.conf ->
    |   `-- disabled-conf ->
    `-- nginx.conf

While the above example is using ConfigMaps, if you have sensitive data, same can be done with Secrets.

See also: